Research Team

Kontogiannopoulos Kostas

Postdoctoral Researcher
Chemical Engineer, PhD


PhD Candidate
Chemical Engineer, MSc


PhD Candidate
Chemical Engineer, MSc


PhD Candidate
Chemical Engineer, MSc


PhD Candidate
Chemist, MSc


Postdoctoral Researcher
Forester, PhD

Kostas Kontogiannopoulos

Post-Doc Researcher

Kostas Kontogiannopoulos holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering (AUTh, 2004) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering (AUTh, 2011) in “Secondary metabolites technology: Design, Development and Pharmacological evaluation of novel Drug Delivery Systems for Alkannins/Shikonins”. He started his professional career in the pharmaceutical industry, but soon he “returned” to Research as scientific personnel in EFEM / IDEP / CERTH. Now, he is a member of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory/Chemical Engineering, AUTh, conducting post-doctoral research with participation in the PlantUp research project.

Antigoni Koletti

PhD Candidate

Antigoni holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a MSc in Chemical Analysis and Quality Control from National and Kapodistrian Univarsity of Athens. Her PhD project focuses on Technological Applications of Bioactive Molecules from Natural Products, mainly on drug delivery systems and metabolic profiling.

Alexandros Nakas

PhD Candidate

Alexandros holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering (2015) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with focus on chemistry and technological exploitation of natural products, standardization of plant extracts and the study of biological activity of natural products. He is member of the research group of Organic Chemistry’s Laboratory of the School of Chemical Engineering (AUTh) since 2013, and a member of the interdisciplinary research group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (CIRI-AUTh). He is working on wound healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic effects of natural ingredients, both in vitro and in vivo. His PhD project focuses on the determination of bioactive molecules of natural products with modern analytical techniques. He participates in the PlantUp research project.

Athanasios Arampatzis

PhD Candidate

Athanasios holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) and a MSc in Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His PhD project focuses on the biological activities & technological exploitation of Alkannin/Shikonin derivatives and Boraginaceae species, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) MICROMETABOLITE project under the Horizon 2020 framework of the European Comission.

Nebojša Rodić

PhD Candidate

Nebojša studied General Chemistry at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. After his graduation (2012), he pursued a master’s degree in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (2017), in Germany and Finland, at Universität Leipzig and University of Helsinki, respectively.  His PhD work focuses on metabolomics analysis and determination of bioactive Alkannins/Shikonins in Boraginaceae species and is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN MICROMETABOLITE project, under the Horizon2020 framework of the European Commission.

Argyrios Stergioudis

Post-Doc Researcher

Argyrios Stergioudis holds a diploma in Forestry an Natural environment (AUTh, 2006), a master in Topography and a PhD in Geomatics (AUTh, 2013). He had participated in several European research projects and since 2015 is working as a freelancer in the Agro forestry sector. He is conducting post-doctoral research in the field of hydroponic cultivation of aromatic plants with participation in the AromaDistil research project.

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